To use KTML 4 in your web application, it must be installed on a web server with scripting language support. One of the following application servers is needed:
Web Servers:
Internet Information Services (ISAPI | CGI)
Apache (1.3.x or 2.0)
Image processing libraries:
ImageMagick (with execute permissions)
Spellcheking libraries
ASPELL 0.50.x +
PSPELL is also supported.
Note: If you are an PHP user,
and if not all the conditions for using ASPELL are fulfilled (at once),
PSPELL will be automatically used.
XHTML checkers
Tidy version released in 2005 or higher.
Web Servers:
Internet Information Services.
Apache (1.3.x or 2.x).
Image processing libraries:
tmt_img (Massimo's lib)
CFX_Image 1.4.9 Jukka Manner
CFX_imageCR3 3.1
Spellcheking libraries
ASPELL 0.50.x +
XHTML checkers
Tidy version released in 2005 or higher.
Execute permissions:
required tags/functions: createobject, shell rights on image lib
cfexecute must be allowed on the server
VBScript versions:
MS ASP 3.0
VBScript 5.5+
Web Servers:
Internet Information Services. Versions:
5.0 - Windows 2000 (Professional, Advanced Server)
5.1 - Windows XP (Professional)
6.0 - Windows 2003
Image processing libraries:
.NET framework installed and ASP.NET extension enabled for IIS.
MSXML 2.6+. (required to call a .NET framework page)
Wscript.Shell (required to call ImageMagick).
Spellcheking libraries
ASPELL 0.50.x +
XHTML checkers
Tidy version released in 2005 or higher.
Required configuration for web server:
Enable CreateObject rights.
FileSystemObject is required.
Shell execution rights for the ASPELL module
Web Servers:
Internet Information Services. Versions:
5.0 - Windows 2000 (Professional, Advanced Server)
5.1 - Windows XP (Professional)
6.0 - Windows 2003
Image processing libraries:
.NET 1.1 framework installed
Spellcheking libraries
ASPELL 0.50.x +
XHTML checkers
Tidy version released in 2005 or higher.
Required configuration for web server:
Shell execution rights for the ASPELL module (trust mode = full)
Web Servers:
Internet Information Services. Versions:
5.0 - Windows 2000 (Professional, Advanced Server)
5.1 - Windows XP (Professional)
6.0 - Windows 2003
Image processing libraries:
.NET 1.1 framework installed
Spellcheking libraries
ASPELL 0.50.x +
XHTML checkers
Tidy version released in 2005 or higher.
Required configuration for web server:
Shell execution rights for the ASPELL module (trust mode = full)