Configure image processing

If you want to use the image manipulation functions present in KTML, you must install and enable some image libraries. Without them, the creation of thumbnails or the other image processing options (crop, resize) will not function. Depending on the server model you need the following libraries:

  1. On PHP:

  2. On ASP:

  3. On ColdFusion:

  4. On JavaServer Pages:


Before setting out to install new libraries or configure existing ones, first upload and try to edit an image with KTML. If all options work as expected, then you do not have anything more to configure.

In addition to having these libraries (one or more) installed, you must also configure your server to use them properly. Learn how to configure your server to enable the use of the image manipulation functions:


Most advanced image manipulation functions are treated through ImageMagick - a third party image manipulation library that must be installed on your server - development and production. If you do not know whether ImageMagick exists, or you are having troubles installing it, check out Installing ImageMagick.