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Inventory control for options

Posted: 2010-06-24 17:55
by ianraba
Hi all
I am looking for some advice/examples on how to use inventory control on attributes/options
IE a product: t'shirt has colour and size options that I need to manage inventory of so that i can diminish stock count when someone purchases a red large t'shirt or a green small

ideally need a methodology for multiple variations of options for future growth

Hoping someone can point me in right direction


Re: Inventory control for options

Posted: 2010-06-25 08:46
by Fred
Hi Ian,
Never used the cart but I would imagine you would need to expand the stock db so that you can add more options when adding the stock to allow for size and colour.

Then in your "order" table you will add the same columns. When the order is placed the size and colour is added to the table together with the stock item....

hmmm it not going to work...

how about a joined (sub) table with the initial stock id as the foreign key, and different "sub" stock items for the sizes and colours...

So basically you would enter a "Master Stock Item" in your stock table, then "Sub Stock Items" in the second table.
In the order you would insert the "Sub Stock Item" id and tally the stock from there.

Re: Inventory control for options

Posted: 2010-08-01 22:52
by ianraba
I am likely to take the approach of this contribution for oScommerce: ... ,inventory

Just have to figure out the control of the many to many relationships

I knwo there are a few prople from the old forum that cracked this and have tried to get in touch to no avail unfortunatley

Its really the only thing holding me back at the moment

Re: Inventory control for options

Posted: 2012-12-12 16:45
by Fred
Hi Ian,
I need to build a custom shipping rate to accommodate the royal mail shipping costs based on weight.
Any suggestions?

I know I need to expand the but I can't get the "MXK_Total_weight" value into the function.

Re: Inventory control for options

Posted: 2012-12-21 00:18
by Fred
Fred wrote:Hi Ian,
I need to build a custom shipping rate to accommodate the royal mail shipping costs based on weight.
Got it working and now caters for an unlimited number of shipping methods and filters them depending on the total weight and delivery location.
Works a charm.