Retrieving Values from SQL Select in a Trigger

Any tips and tricks that has to with the ADDT that doesn't fit into one of the other categories
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Retrieving Values from SQL Select in a Trigger

Post by FlyOTW » 2010-04-02 03:11

Get the values from a SQL statement within an ADDT trigger that do not exist within the original transaction.

$querySEL = "SELECT dbfield1, dbfield2 FROM table";
$result = $tNG->connection->execute($querySEL);
$numberOfRecords = $result->recordCount();
while (!$result->EOF)

So the important functions are $result->EOF which indicates you perused all records. To retrieve a column from the current row use $result->Fields('>>>fieldname<<<')

To get to the next row, use $result->MoveNext(). There is also a MoveFirst function, just in case you need to read all rows again.

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Joined: 2010-03-26 23:09

Re: Retrieving Values from SQL Select in a Trigger

Post by FlyOTW » 2010-04-02 03:15

Also you can get db value for use in a custom trigger like so.

$Value = $tNG->getColumnValue("Field from database");

It must be a part of the original transaction though.
This is also already in ADDT/Interakt Docs :)

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Re: Retrieving Values from SQL Select in a Trigger

Post by Fred » 2010-04-07 15:47

Hi FlyOTW,
Would you post an article about this on the main site please?
Even if it is ADDT/Interakt Docs


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