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how to make a mysql website work on a mysqli server?

Posted: 2017-05-24 09:07
by piripacchio
Hi all,
I have a large website that is using mysql and ADDT.
Now the site need to be moved on a mysql 5.5 server. The new server has dropped the mysql support and supports only mysqli.
How can I make this site work again?
Is there a tool that converts from mysql to mysqli?
Or something else?

Re: how to make a mysql website work on a mysqli server?

Posted: 2017-05-24 13:04
by Izbuh
I suggest you to wait next week (should arrive the new version of ADDT from

Re: how to make a mysql website work on a mysqli server?

Posted: 2017-05-25 12:21
by Fred
Correction. It is NOT a new version of ADDT or Interakt. It is a look alike and anybody that wants to say otherwise better have their lawyers ready because Adobe will surely have a go at you.

Re: how to make a mysql website work on a mysqli server?

Posted: 2017-05-26 14:38
by Fred