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MX Calendar Nugget Width

Posted: 2012-09-21 10:09
by sfranzken
Hi Fred, by default the calendar nugget width is normal but I want to be able to make it wider, is their an attribute somewhere that controls the calendar nugget width and height?

Thanks in advance


Re: MX Calendar Nugget Width

Posted: 2012-09-21 10:29
by Fred
Hi Steve,
You will need to look at the cal.css file.
Mine is fluid in my CMS but I honestly cant remember where I changed it.
If I can remember things are pretty mixed up in the sense that the nugget and the months in the main calendar uses the same styles.

Re: MX Calendar Nugget Width

Posted: 2012-09-21 10:32
by sfranzken
I see, should I duplicate the style or make it width 100%?

Re: MX Calendar Nugget Width

Posted: 2012-09-21 10:40
by Fred
Think it is easier to make it 100% width as it probably ir referenced somewhere in the js for the nugget.
If you want to duplicate you will have to go and find those references and update them.