Question: advanced table sorting

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Question: advanced table sorting

Post by Hellkeeper » 2010-08-31 17:03


did someone already extend the TOR with a function that puts an item direct on top of the list?
With many entries it's very hard to get items further down on top of the list ...


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Re: Question: advanced table sorting

Post by Fred » 2010-09-03 11:00

Hi Andreas,
Not quite sure I understand what you are asking.

If you sort a recordset by whatever field it should sort it correctly unless you have a secondary sort in the original mysql query.

I say that because the sort function applies directly to the mysql query. In other words you "modify" the query everytime you apply a sort.

The last bit of your mysql query normally looks something like:
ORDER BY orderParam

Or in the case of a nextensiolist ORDER BY NXTSort

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Re: Question: advanced table sorting

Post by Hellkeeper » 2010-09-03 13:19

Hi Fred,

i guess I described it not very good! ;-)

I got a list with let's say 10 items - if I want to move the last item on top of the list I have to click 9 times the "up arror" - but what if I have a list with 500 items and I want to get the last item on top of the list - going crazy while clicking 499 times! ;-)

What I want to accomplish is a button "move item on top of list" - or maybe "move item 10 positions up" or something like this! ;-)

bye from Austria

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Re: Question: advanced table sorting

Post by Fred » 2010-09-03 18:56

ahh got it, you talking about the "Sort Order SB"

I guess that is where the Ajax Toolbox comes in.
Thing is you need to update the value of the "sort field" in all the records in the database every time you "move" a record to achieve this.

Your best option would probably be to look at jquery.

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Re: Question: advanced table sorting

Post by Hellkeeper » 2010-09-08 15:12

good I described it this time so that one can at least guess what I mean! ;-)

tried to avoid to completely recode the Sort Order with jquery - but I guess there won't be another way! :cry:

Thank you!

bye from Austria

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