ADDT Send Mail using SSL/TLS

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ADDT Send Mail using SSL/TLS

Post by suvapapa » 2012-07-23 10:29


I have been using ADDT for a while with CS3 and the integration is flawless. Recently A project required using as sender email. On entering the details tNG throws error for time-out. Some forums suggested using ssl://, but here it throws error server not reachable.

Is there any way in ADDT to send mail using TLS. I know in the includes/tNG/mail folder there are couple of phps for smtp, and others.

Any possibility ?


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Re: ADDT Send Mail using SSL/TLS

Post by Fred » 2012-07-23 15:37

Don't know how you going to get around that one.
You will probably need to modify the one of the mail files in the includes folder.

As far as I know you need to specify your IP address in the initial "HELO" and after the initial contact and the server responded you need to send the "HELO" command again before it will connect.

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Re: ADDT Send Mail using SSL/TLS

Post by Fred » 2012-07-25 13:26

Was just thinking about this again.
You could use a custom trigger to run a custom script to connect to gmail and send the email.

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Re: ADDT Send Mail using SSL/TLS

Post by franzandreani » 2020-05-06 09:26

Hi all
I have the same problem using Outlook365 mail server.
I tried using $tNG_email_host = ""; but it doesn't work
Have you resolved this issue?
I use ADODT with php 5.6.x and all libraries are updated
thank you so moutc

Franz Andreani

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Re: ADDT Send Mail using SSL/TLS

Post by jlig » 2021-08-24 23:01

I too have been looking into using in ADDT.
Questions I have are:
[1) The Email Settings in the Dreamweaver don't have options for SSL or TLS?
- It only asks for: Mail Server/Port/Username/Password/Default Sender?
2) Do I need to insert new code into every "Send Email" page that I have?
- I think coldfusion starttls is required to send via gmail?
- Getting error: com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPSendFailedException: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first
3) Will the "MX Send Email" behavior continue to work with gmail?
- Currently getting the following error when I tested with gmail:
- E-mail couldn't be sent. Error returned: A problem occurred when attempting to deliver mail. This exception was caused by: javax.mail.MessagingException: Exception reading response; nested exception is: Read timed out.. (EMAIL_FAILED

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