Image Upload Jpeg Quality

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Re: Image Upload Jpeg Quality

Post by Fred » 2012-03-22 16:37

You probably better of with a custom transaction taking the uploaded image and referring to the proper function, compress it.

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Re: Image Upload Jpeg Quality

Post by piskie » 2012-08-17 13:49

Hello again Fred
I still haven't solved this problem. I need to get the Image Upload and Resize function to compress even if the dimensions are equal to or less than the Box Size.
I have many images that have been uploaded by clients that are smaller than the box, but virtually uncompressed resulting in 200k + whereas resized images are typically 30k to 40k.

Have you had any further thoughts on how to force the KT_Image.class.php file to compress the image even when not resizing.
I think that is the right file.
Maybe somewhere near here:

Code: Select all

	function KT_image() {
		$this->qualityLevel = 80;
		if (isset($GLOBALS['KT_default_image_quality']) && $GLOBALS['KT_default_image_quality'] > 0 && $GLOBALS['KT_default_image_quality'] <= 100) {
			$this->qualityLevel = (int)$GLOBALS['KT_default_image_quality'];
Any help would be really appreciated.

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Re: Image Upload Jpeg Quality

Post by Fred » 2012-08-22 17:19

Probably after the setResize bit.
Never tried it so cant really say.

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