Why does the CSV import, import the Enclosure (ie: the Quote

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Why does the CSV import, import the Enclosure (ie: the Quote

Post by codamedia » 2010-05-19 20:53

I have having a hard time with CSV import.

I am setting the enclosure field as quotes (") but when I import the CSV, it is importing the quotes as well. It shouldn't be doing this. For instance, I am validating an email field, but it won't import because the quotes are showing up around the email address.

It will import a CSV created with EXCEL - because that doesn't enclose anything, but that is also not a true CSV.

Does anyone know why this is happening? How I might be able to fix it.

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Re: Why does the CSV import, import the Enclosure (ie: the Q

Post by Fred » 2010-05-20 10:08

Never had that problem.

I assume your CSV is in the following format:
"data block","data block"

With the separator set as a ,
and enclosure as "

Maybe reinstall and re-upload your CVS behaviour?

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Re: Why does the CSV import, import the Enclosure (ie: the Q

Post by codamedia » 2010-05-20 12:48

Yes - that is the format I was using and the quotes kept getting imported. I used this extension a lot over the years, and never had this problem.

This particular CSV was being submitted by a large corporation - so I went back to the basics and tried a CSV created myself. That worked fine - so I knew there was something different about the CSV being submitted.

Sure enough - the CSV was in UNICODE rather than ASCII or even UTF-8. A quick conversion of the file made the difference. Not sure why - as I don't fully understand all the differences in character sets - but it worked.

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Re: Why does the CSV import, import the Enclosure (ie: the Q

Post by Fred » 2010-05-20 13:37

Open the file in a text editor like notepad and you will see there are extra characters in the file if it is saved in anything other than ASCII.

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