Lists Suddenly Stopped Working

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Joined: 2010-03-01 15:23

Lists Suddenly Stopped Working

Post by johng » 2010-03-12 21:48

Hi all,

I built an admin section for a website I did using nextensio lists and forms. Suddenly the edit and delete buttons on the lists dont work anymore. I did see the php fix on this website and uploaded the updated files, but it didnt work. What is interesting is if I removed the class from the edit link and replace it with KT_link, then the edit button works! I deleted all of my includes files and then generated them again and uploaded, but nothing besides removing the class on the button has worked.

Anyone have any ideas?


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Re: Lists Suddenly Stopped Working

Post by Fred » 2010-03-13 19:58

Hi John,
This is strange indeed.

The class is simple styling and looking in style.js both "KT_edit_link" and KT_link" is addressed in the same manner. At one point it is even used in the same function.

Is it still working on other sites that you have done before?

What is your development / production environment?

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