filebrowser not showing images

Posts: 34
Joined: 2010-06-24 17:44

filebrowser not showing images

Post by ianraba » 2011-08-27 10:45

Got a problem with the filebrowser, it shows red cross thumbnails and correct outlines of the images but when i add to page i can see image, so seems like the filebrowser is not referencing the images folder properly

I have found an interakt post suggesting removing spaces between allowed fiel types but that didn't work
have regenerated my includes also and that didn't help

ANy ideas?

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Re: filebrowser not showing images

Post by Fred » 2011-08-28 04:09

Do you have the proper CHMOD permissions set on the thumbnail folder?
What that will be depends pretty much on your server configuration but you probably need to have it at 0755

Posts: 34
Joined: 2010-06-24 17:44

Re: filebrowser not showing images

Post by ianraba » 2011-08-31 09:07

hi, yes CHMOD is 755
it odd as it seemed to work one day and not the next which is why i re-generated the includes but still issue persists

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