JavaScript errors when using MX Widgets

JavaScript errors when using MX Widgets

I experience JavaScript errors when using MX Widgets (specifically when I use the behavior Smart date ) ON PHP_Mysql Server model.

I experience JavaScript errors when using MX Widgets (specifically when I use the behavior Smart date ) ON PHP_Mysql Server model.

in "includes/wdg/classes/SmartDate.js" file, after the line containing:


add a line with:

$CAL_GLOBALOBJECT = "Calendars";

Go to "includes/wdg/classes/SmartDate.js" and add quotes around the undefined word, so it would look like this:

if(typeof window[$CAL_GLOBALOBJECT] != 'undefined' && typeof window[$CAL_GLOBALOBJECT][] != 'undefined') {
Written by:  - 28 Sep, 2009