Remove Interakt Logo and link from all KTML property inspector panels

Remove Interakt Logo and link from all KTML property inspector panels

When the official interaktonline site goes down and your clients click on the interakt logo on the property panels inside KTML they will end up with a dead link.

When the official interaktonline site goes down and your clients click on the interakt logo on the property panels inside KTML they will end up with a dead link.

KTML Interakt link removal instructions:

Find the following file:


Line 208:

{if(confirm(msg+"\n\n"+KT_Messages["goto technote"])){"");}

Replace with:

{if(confirm(msg+"\n\n"+KT_Messages["goto technote"])){"");}

Around line 288, remove this complete line

<a id="logoKTML_' + + '" href="' + FROM_WHERE + '" target="_blank" title="KTML homepage"><img src="'+KtmlRelativeImagePath+'logo_pi.gif" alt="KTML homepage" border="0" height="43"/></a>

Or replace with your own to point to your locally hosted support files:

<a id="logoKTML_''" href="" target="_blank" title="KTML Videos"><img src="'+KtmlRelativeImagePath+'logo_pi.gif" alt="XMS Videos" border="0" height="43"/></a>\
Written by:  - 11 Feb, 2010