Show MX Calendar Detail links only if logged in

Show MX Calendar Detail links only if logged in

Show MX Calendar Detail links only if logged in

Edit the following file


Change line 40 to suit your needs.

<div><a href="<?php echo CAL_XHTML_Url($data['event'][$i]['link']);?>" title="<?php echo $data['event'][$i]['desc'];?>" <?php if ($this->calendar->getViewEventTarget()!='') { ?>target="<?php echo $this->calendar->getViewEventTarget(); ?>" <?php } ?>><?php echo $data['event'][$i]['title'];?></a></div>

The red bit is the custom hack

<div> <?php  // Show link if logged in
          if ($_SESSION['kt_login_id'] != ''){;?>
           <a href="<?php echo CAL_XHTML_Url($data['event'][$i]['link']);?>" title="<?php echo $data['event'][$i]['desc'];?>" <?php if ($this->calendar->getViewEventTarget()!='') { ?>target="<?php echo $this->calendar->getViewEventTarget(); ?>" <?php } ?> rel="nofollow">
          <?php echo $data['event'][$i]['title'];?></a>
         <?php } else { echo $data['event'][$i]['desc']; } // End Show link if logged in ?>

You will also want to do the same for the Day view file


Line: 171

Written by:  - 7 Apr, 2010