Edit the following file
Change Line 223 from
if ($fn_RECURRING !== NULL && in_array(strtoupper($rs->Fields($fn_RECURRING)),array('DAY','WEEK','MONTH','YEAR')) ) {
to this
if ($fn_RECURRING !== NULL && in_array(strtoupper($rs->Fields($fn_RECURRING)),array('DAY','WEEK','BIWEEK','MONTH','YEAR')) ) {
Add this code snippet before line 338
Line 338:
case 'MONTH':
// Code for Bi-Weekly Events case 'BIWEEK': $tmp_bi_week_day = CAL_extract('w',$startDate); tmp_bi_week_day2 = CAL_extract('w',$this->startDate); $tmp_bi_week_day -= ($tmp_bi_week_day2-7); $cDate = CAL_addDate($this->startDate, $tmp_bi_week_day, 'd'); $cDate = CAL_extract('Y-m-d', $cDate) . ' ' . CAL_extract('H:i:s',$startDate); $arrDates = array(); while ($cDate <= $end) { if ($cDate>=$startDate && $cDate >= $this->startDate && $cDate <= $this->endDate) {$arrDates[] = $cDate; $cDate = CAL_addDate($cDate, 14, 'd');} // Create events array; $t_title = $rs->Fields($fn_TITLE); $t_desc = ""; $t_link = ""; if ($this->calendar->type == 'view') { if ($fn_DESCRIPTION != null) { $t_desc = KT_FormatForList($rs->Fields($fn_DESCRIPTION),255);} $t_link = KT_DynamicData($this->calendar->getEventLink(), '', '', false, array(), false); if ($this->calendar->sendKTBack) { $t_link = KT_addReplaceParam($t_link, 'KT_back', 1);} else {foreach($_GET as $key => $value) { $t_link = CAL_glueQueryStrings($t_link, $key . '=' . $value); //$t_link = KT_addReplaceParam($t_link, $key, $value);}} $tmp_hour = CAL_extract('H',$endDate); $tmp_minute = CAL_extract('i',$endDate); for ($i=0;$i<count($arrDates);$i++) { $tmp_sdate = $arrDates[$i]; $cDate = CAL_extract('Y-m-d',$tmp_sdate) . ' 00:00:00'; $tmp_edate = CAL_addDate($cDate, 60*$tmp_hour+$tmp_minute, 'i'); if ($tmp_edate <= $tmp_sdate) { $tmp_edate = CAL_addDate($tmp_sdate, 1, 'H');} if ($this->calendar->type == 'view') { $t_link = KT_addReplaceParam($t_link, $this->calendar->dateParam, KT_convertDate($cDate, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:ii:ss', $GLOBALS['KT_db_date_format'])); $tmp_arr = array('start' => $tmp_sdate, 'end' => $tmp_edate, 'title' => $t_title, 'desc' => $t_desc, 'link' => $t_link, 'class' => $specificClass); $this->data['body'][$cDate]['event'][] = $tmp_arr; break; // End Code for Bi-Weekly Events